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  • Writer's pictureKizzy Staten Gray

Christmas In July!

Some people call it the second Black Friday~ Amazon's Prime Day is Christmas in July!

When you're shopping Amazon Prime Day Deals remember the summer bash you haven't hosted yet, your baby that's on the way, your vacation gear, your needs for the upcoming school year and so much more! Did you know that there is an amazing textbook rental program for students that's a fraction of the cost for brand new books. It's definitely something you should look into.

Don't forget about a book or two from you know who...Me!

Get your game plan and get ready to shop because it's all going down Monday, July 15th - Tuesday July 16th! This year we get two wonderful days of shopping at wildly deep discounted rates. Woo Hoo!

Here are some of my recommendations:

Perfect for the little photographer in your home or just want to get quality images of your upcoming summer vacation, use this Fujifilm Mini Camera to capture those special moments.

Rural living sometimes presents a problem with Wifi and internet services especially if you are a student doing online studies, running a home based business or just want to do a movie marathon on Netflix. Use this device to help get the reception you need.

If your kids run a lemonade stand over the summer for extra cash like my little buddy Tru, then these cups with lids are ideal for servicing your community. Teaching money concepts like supply and demand are excellent life skills for entrepreneurial families.

Ready to start or step up your professional video skills? Get these essential items to compete in the market with quality production.

I strongly recommend these to help with the blue lights that are generated from digital devices. If you sit at a computer screen all day this can definitely help you. You especially want to use these if you enjoy reading your kindle or scrolling through your phone at night before bed.

Please comment below and share with us the things that are on your list and your feedback about Amazon Prime Days, Christmas in July!

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What do you recommend and why?

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