Why in the world would anyone want to home school their children? Is the usual banter associated with the awkward subject of Homeschool.
Prior to Homeschool becoming MANDATORY throughout the nation, due to the pandemic of the Corona Virus outbreak world wide there has been very little attention in the Homeschool community.
With schools closing to stop the spread of coronavirus, you may find yourself working from home.
And just like THAT out of nowhere it's mandated that everyone is to school their school-aged children at home.
If you're new to homeschooling you're probably wondering how you can help your kids learn and keep them occupied while you work.
Relax, take deep breaths and take it all in stride!
One day at a time. One hour at a time.
Remember this is temporary. They’ll likely return to school in just a few weeks or you’ll love it and want to continue on this path long term.
Ten Helpful Tips for Homeschooling in #Quarantine
Helpful Tips:
1. Get them outside! The whole world is a classroom. No need for four walls.
2. Make it fun. Loosen up. Think about how you’d like to learn said material. Be animated. Sing silly songs for learning new material, Read books in character. You only have a couple of weeks SO make it an ADVENTURE! This’ll be a cake walk.
3. You don’t have to replicate the public school room and schedule. Be tactile, physical, develop fine/gross motor skills with hands-on-learning. Use this time to knock out those family projects. Start a garden for agricultural studies or update your flowerbeds, finish home repairs which involves measurements, proper use of equipment, gathering or purchasing supplies, maybe even try to research and begin new hobbies. Implement Practical Life Skills. (Meal planning/shopping, household chores, budgeting.)
4. Learn through play: It is scientifically proven that children learn better through play when it doesn't seem like learning is taking place at all it's actually at its best digestion of knowledge. Playful behavior appears to have positive effects on the brain and on a child’s ability to learn. In fact, play may function as an important, if not crucial, mode for learning, according to Gwen Dewar, Ph.D. Recent research also suggests that playing with blocks contributes to language development. Think about learning fractions with legos or with a Hershey's bar. Think out of the box.
5. Character training/building. This never goes out of style. This can be done at every turn and worked into every subject matter. Your #homeschool experience will have lasting value long beyond this quarantine period.
6. Don’t question your enough-ness. Get rid of fear, doubt, worry and anxiety. You were made for this. Just as In parenting any situation, in a nano second you can feel confident and totally vulnerable the next. Tap into your faith. Homeschool from a posture of REST. Be anxious for nothing.
7. Take small breaks throughout the day. (Musical movement. Snack time. Comedy moments.)
8. P.E. – Get it in. Other than playing on the playground children can also make use of: Trampolines, Jump ropes, Skating in drive way, aerobics videos, Nature hikes, Riding bikes, etc.
9. Self-Care: Salons have closed their doors as well. This can be fun for you and your kids. Continue your hair-care, nail-care, self-care, massage-care, eyebrow/lash care etc. Incorporate role play at the salon or barber shop.
10. Increased Hygiene: Keep the germs at bay. Use best practices.
The GOOD NEWS is: there’s an abundance of FREE resources available for families that aren’t usually a no-cost resource. Click here for your FREE download.
FREE Writing Courses: Institute for Excellence In Writing (IEW)
FREE Spanish Lessons: https://www.facebook.com/Sramorato/
FREE internet: Spectrum – 1-844-488-8398
FREE online demonstrations and tours at the CincinnatiZoom.me/cincinnatizoo